Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Hi guys,

The Next Fitur on seven knight was Raid.
what does it used for? maybe some of you asking this.
Raid can be used for completing the daily Quest or Craft items.( NOTE: if You very Lucky you can craft the dragons equip and it can be THE MOST strong equip in seven knight)

Important News

Hi guys.

maybe you wondering. what should i do if play this seven knight.
what should i keep and what should i waste on playing seven knight.

ok i will give you several tips on playing seven knight.
Keep Farming or grinding Monster. how to farming ???? you should be confuse with what i say to farming.
in picture below. i give you explaination why i say Farming. because i Use 2 Heroes lvl 30+ and 3 of heroes lvl 1 for lvling to lvl 30. so we can get Ruby
Note : in Seven Knight. Each heroes that lvl up to 30 you will get RUBY

Number 1 : There were Keys, Gold, Rubies,Honor, And Topaz.
ok i will explain several detail about that.
Keys : it will be very usefull for farming and Daily Dungeon. you can get Key from Change 10 Honor to 1Key , or buy it from Rubies.
Gold : you can gan gold from  playing Adventure, Playing Gold chamber on Celestial Tower, or buy from Ruby. and it can be Used on  Formation( Recommended)
Ruby : you can earn ruby from lvling up monster to lvl 30 or buy it from real money, from Weekly arena or celestial tower. ruby very recommended for spend on MASTERY, you should upgrade all of your mastery, because mastery like PASIVE of MAIN character. so the effect will be effected on every dungeon,arena,Celestial, war, Etc, if you already maxed the mastery, ruby can be useful on clearing Daily dungeon(Second Recommended), but if you feel that you very very lucky, you can summon monster using your ruby.
you can use topaz on Summon Heroes or using  it on Topaz shop to buy SEVEN KNIGHT SELECTOR. it very useful. but it very hard to earn.

maybe some of you confuse see my above picture. why i have monster/hero lvl 34 even 40.
in seven knight there was a fitur it name Transcend. it used for lvl up your monster 2 lvl.for example
i used my Hero and then choose transcend. ( the transcend. should be the same hero you want to transcend and *6 or you can use FINA). after that just transcend. and you will got topaz.
and make sure that your hero or your transcender not 
Lvl 30 -> 32 you will get 2 Topaz
Lvl 32 -> 34 you will get 4 Topaz
Lvl 34 -> 36 you will get 6 Topaz
Lvl 36 -> 38 You will get 8 Topaz
Lvl 38 ->40 you will get 10 Topaz.
and there was another way to earn topaz. it's from weekly arena reward or Buy Ruby(Gain Bonus Topaz) From shop

Friendship Point

hellow guys.

in here i want to discuss about friendship point that will be VERY advantage for all of you.
why i say VERY with capital ? because you will get one Seven Knight Hero from here

Here is the quest of friendship point.
1. this is the friendship point that you should be earn to trade the seven knight Heroes
2. Best Friend list that you already gift hero *5 to your friends
3. Gift is using to gift your friends. and you will earn 10 Points of friendship

BUT. there were conditions to add some of your friends to Friendship list
Your Friends Should be Playing no More than 14 Days and Never be gifted by another person

if your points already reach 1000 points then you can trade it into seven knight Hero

there was all about friendship point.

Thank You


Hello My Friends.

i will discuss about arena.
in seven Knight, Arena have a huge advantage. based on your ranks it will give you rewards every weeks. come on let's see
1. it will cost 1 Key every you enter the battle( Same Like Celestial Tower)
2. that were Honor that can be used to purchase Key or heroes *1-*4
3. Ranks the ranks will be divided based on score or ranks each time you lose or win on the arena
4. Timer for notify that the season will be ended
5. Rewards that will be given based on ranks.
6. Don't forget to collect the reward every end of the season

this is the list of rank on the arena

this is the list of initial rank. maybe some of you will be confuse what is this picture?
i will give you some example.
For example i was on Silver Rank. and i fought so many enemy and then i can reach the Gold Ranks. so i will got 20 Rubies and 2 Topaz for the FIRST TIME reach gold. but if you back to Silver and then go to GOld Rank again it will not give you Gold and Topaz

This is the list of reward that you will got every end of seasons

ok that's all my explaination about arena. i am really sorry if there were some of you don't understand what i want to discuss or my bad english.
have a nice day xD

Guild Introduction

Hi guys.

i want to explain about Guild .
ok now, of course all of you know guild. the place to gather friends and share experience during playing seven knight or another games.
Now. if you are the Leader. you must know several fitur in guild.
Number 1. it's guild point that will be shown only Leader guild.
Number 2. it's several guild fitur.
 *Castle Rush= You Fight against one of seven knight and Gain amount of score. and after Reset the point will be transfered into Guild points
*Guild War = This is the most  exciting event/Fitur in Guild. because your guild will be fought against another  guild. and it will be rewarded
* Guild Castle = This is the fitur to improve all member in guild. because it will give some buffs when you play adventure or celestial Tower

Here is the Guild castle that the guild should be improved and there was donation button that every member can donate to boost the upgrade( Notes: Every 10.000Gold it will reduce 10Seconds upgrade)

Daily Dungeon

Hi guys, i am back and want to discuss about Daily Dungeon. and it's a MUST things that we should do every day,
there are some things that i want to explain.
Number 1. you need 1 Key to enter the daily dungeon(it means 1 Key every time) and only available once everyday. if you want to enter the daily dungeon again it will cost RUBY
Number 2. Everyday reward daily dungeon different. so you can use your ruby wisely
Number 3. Difficulty. if you enter Easy Mode you will got Elemental *2, Elemental *3 for Normal Mode, and *4 for Hard Mode.
Number 4. It's the enemy you will be fought. so you can use your heroes to counter the enemy.
BUT in Daily dungeon you can't Summon or get help from your friends
so keep going guys

Thank You for reading my article
have a good day xD

Celestial Tower

Hi Guys,

Now, i want to review about Celestial Tower, in celestial tower there are so many floor that you can beat, and there are many rewards in there. there are several things that you need to be understood,
Number 1 . Keys? Yea there is keys. you need the key to challange the celestial tower or play the gold chambers. it will be regenerated every 30 Minutes
Number 2. if you stuck on some of celestial tower. please don't leave it. just play on gold chambers. because it give you several amount of gold that you will be needed
Number 3. Challange? why should i mention this challange?  it because if you stuck on several floor of celestial tower, and playing on gold chambers. the challanged will be increased . and several times it will be make the enemy weaker and then you can challange it again with easy enemy
Number 4. of course this is reward that you will get after beat the celestial floor
Number 5. This is list of all floor on celestial tower. and you can see what's item that you will got

ok. that's all my introduction about celestial tower. hope you will understand it. sorry for my bad english. and enjoy your journey on Seven Knight xD

Monday, May 2, 2016

Adventure Seven Knight

in here i will discuss about adventure on seven knight.

adventure is a must to do for all player on seven knight. you should clear allstage on adventure to got many monster  to Rank or power up your heroes.
but there are another opportunity to clear this adventure. you can get so many Ruby(GEM)
here the screenshoot of adventure. you must clear all stage to unlock Normal or Hard mode. it begin with EASY mode..

after you complete all capture until Hard stage 7-10.  you unlock new adventure stage on Stage 8.

there is fitur Quick Start.  and some of fitur that i give the number.
Number 1. you can select friends to help you battle on the stage. and it will be reseted after 24 Hours
Number 2. Auto Repeat. it means you can repeat the dungeon, so you can leave it alone and it will                         repeated until you cancel it
Number 3. Auto Setting. in here you can setting skill that you want to use in here, and don't forget to                     check list the Use SKill Queue, because if you check list that Use Auto skill it will be                         auto skill on every battle
Number 4. don't forget to manage your teams on here :)


and on the adventure there are some quest that give you amount of RUBY. Ruby? YEA RUBY. its awesome right? xD

Seven Knight Guide For Newbie

Hi Friends, i here want to explain whats important on playing Seven Knight.

First of all, this is very important for you who want to play seven knight.
after play you must be wondering. what should i do?
basically, playing seven knight, you need more LUCK and more patience to got more powerful heroes.

and there are GUIDE QUEST. just follow and clear all guide quest to got HERO *6.
sorry can't  give a screenshoot :(

i am really sorry if you can't understand what i write in here. sorry for my bad english and enjoy your journey on Seven knight.
leave the comment if you want to ask xD