Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Celestial Tower

Hi Guys,

Now, i want to review about Celestial Tower, in celestial tower there are so many floor that you can beat, and there are many rewards in there. there are several things that you need to be understood,
Number 1 . Keys? Yea there is keys. you need the key to challange the celestial tower or play the gold chambers. it will be regenerated every 30 Minutes
Number 2. if you stuck on some of celestial tower. please don't leave it. just play on gold chambers. because it give you several amount of gold that you will be needed
Number 3. Challange? why should i mention this challange?  it because if you stuck on several floor of celestial tower, and playing on gold chambers. the challanged will be increased . and several times it will be make the enemy weaker and then you can challange it again with easy enemy
Number 4. of course this is reward that you will get after beat the celestial floor
Number 5. This is list of all floor on celestial tower. and you can see what's item that you will got

ok. that's all my introduction about celestial tower. hope you will understand it. sorry for my bad english. and enjoy your journey on Seven Knight xD

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