Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Important News

Hi guys.

maybe you wondering. what should i do if play this seven knight.
what should i keep and what should i waste on playing seven knight.

ok i will give you several tips on playing seven knight.
Keep Farming or grinding Monster. how to farming ???? you should be confuse with what i say to farming.
in picture below. i give you explaination why i say Farming. because i Use 2 Heroes lvl 30+ and 3 of heroes lvl 1 for lvling to lvl 30. so we can get Ruby
Note : in Seven Knight. Each heroes that lvl up to 30 you will get RUBY

Number 1 : There were Keys, Gold, Rubies,Honor, And Topaz.
ok i will explain several detail about that.
Keys : it will be very usefull for farming and Daily Dungeon. you can get Key from Change 10 Honor to 1Key , or buy it from Rubies.
Gold : you can gan gold from  playing Adventure, Playing Gold chamber on Celestial Tower, or buy from Ruby. and it can be Used on  Formation( Recommended)
Ruby : you can earn ruby from lvling up monster to lvl 30 or buy it from real money, from Weekly arena or celestial tower. ruby very recommended for spend on MASTERY, you should upgrade all of your mastery, because mastery like PASIVE of MAIN character. so the effect will be effected on every dungeon,arena,Celestial, war, Etc, if you already maxed the mastery, ruby can be useful on clearing Daily dungeon(Second Recommended), but if you feel that you very very lucky, you can summon monster using your ruby.
you can use topaz on Summon Heroes or using  it on Topaz shop to buy SEVEN KNIGHT SELECTOR. it very useful. but it very hard to earn.

maybe some of you confuse see my above picture. why i have monster/hero lvl 34 even 40.
in seven knight there was a fitur it name Transcend. it used for lvl up your monster 2 lvl.for example
i used my Hero and then choose transcend. ( the transcend. should be the same hero you want to transcend and *6 or you can use FINA). after that just transcend. and you will got topaz.
and make sure that your hero or your transcender not 
Lvl 30 -> 32 you will get 2 Topaz
Lvl 32 -> 34 you will get 4 Topaz
Lvl 34 -> 36 you will get 6 Topaz
Lvl 36 -> 38 You will get 8 Topaz
Lvl 38 ->40 you will get 10 Topaz.
and there was another way to earn topaz. it's from weekly arena reward or Buy Ruby(Gain Bonus Topaz) From shop

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